Utilities Data
Five communities in Pitt County have water and wastewater (sewer) treatment facilities. 大多数系统都能处理工业废水. 在艾登有足够数量的天然气供工艺使用, Farmville, Winterville and Greenville; service could also be provided in the Grifton area for large users where use would justify the costs of extending nearby distribution or transmission lines. Electric service is distributed by Duke Energy Progress, Dominion Power, Edgecombe-Martin EMC, Pitt & 格林EMC,格林维尔公用事业委员会,和几个市政当局.
- Underground aquifers, the Tar River, 和纽泽河提供高质量充足的水供应
- 8个市政供水系统和3个农村社区供水系统为该县供水
- 格林维尔公用事业委员会(GUC)运营着一个22.5 mgd water plant
- A 17.5mgd污水处理厂为GUC客户提供服务
- Piedmont Natural Gas和GUC向该地区供应天然气
- Duke Energy Progress, Dominion Power, GUC, Pitt-Greene EMC, Edgecombe-Martin EMC and several municipalities distribute electric service to the County
- 大多数电力公司向大型工业客户提供折扣
Electric area served
Electric Information
Wastewater area served
Wastewater Information
Water Area Served
Water Information
Ayden – provides electrical, water, and sewer service in-town and to some surrounding areas. 4144 West Ave., Ayden (252) 481-5821
Bethel -为市区及邻近地区提供供水及污水渠服务. P.O. Box 337, Bethel. (252) 818-0891
Farmville – provides electrical, water, and sewer service in-town and to some surrounding areas. 3672 N. Main St., Farmville. (252) 753-5774
Fountain provides electrical, water, and sewer service in-town and to some surrounding areas. P.O. Box 134, Fountain (252) 749-2881
格林维尔公用事业委员会 – provides electrical, water, sewer, 以及向格林维尔和皮特县周边社区提供天然气服务. 401 S. Greene St, Greenville (252) 752-7166
Grimesland-为市镇内及市镇外部分地区提供供水及污水处理服务. (252) 752-6337
Grifton -为市镇内及市镇外部分地区提供供水及污水处理服务. 格里夫顿溪岸路437-B号. (252) 524-5168
Winterville – provides electrical, water, and sewer service in-town and to some surrounding areas. 2571 Railroad St., Winterville (252) 756-2221
Dominion Power为皮特县北部地区提供电力服务. (866) 366-4357
Duke Energy Progress为靠近Farmville的皮特县地区提供电力服务, Grifton, and Grimesland (800) 452-2777
埃奇科姆-马丁县EMC为皮特县北部地区提供电力服务 (252) 823-2171
Pitt & Greene EMC为靠近Farmville的皮特县地区提供电力服务 (252) 753-3128
东松水务公司 5442 Eastern Pines Rd., Greenville (252) 752-7420
贝尔亚瑟水务公司 2474 Bell Arthur Rd., Greenville (252) 752-6252
斯托克斯地区水务公司 3607 NC 30, Stokes (252) 757-7751
地下含水层(最著名的是黑河), Pee Dee, and Upper Cape Fear) and surface streams (Tar and Neuse Rivers) provide high quality water for the public and private water systems in Pitt County. In 2000, the Central Coastal Plain Capacity Use Area Rules were adopted to protect the long term productivity of aquifers and limit groundwater withdrawals to a sustainable rate.作为对这些规则的回应, the Neuse Regional Water and Sewer Authority (NRWASA) was formed to develop regional solutions for meeting future resource needs for communities in southern Pitt and Lenoir Counties. The Neuse River provides an abundant source of water that is treated using state-of-the-art technology to produce high quality drinking water. 水处理厂, 位于勒诺瓦县, 于2008年完工,每天可生产多达1500万加仑的水. In addition, over 78 miles of water transmission mains were constructed to carry treated water to each member entity’s water distribution system. 皮特县成员有:艾登镇, Town of Grifton, 贝尔亚瑟水务公司, 和东松水务公司. 勒诺瓦县成员包括:金斯顿市, Town of Pink Hill, 深流水务公司, 和北勒诺瓦水务公司.Other communities in Pitt County have also reduced their reliance on underground aquifers due to the capacity use restriction. The Towns of Bethel, Farmville, and Winterville as well as the 斯托克斯地区水务公司 have negotiated contracts with the 格林维尔公用事业委员会 to purchase water supplied primarily by the Tar River.
Water Treatment Systems
Community | 提高存储/容量(百万加仑) | Water Source |
Town of Ayden | 2 tanks | 3 Deep Wells/NRWASA |
贝尔亚瑟水务公司 | 6 tanks | 6 Deep Wells/NRWASA |
Town of Bethel | 1 tank/.50 | 2 Deep Wells/GUC |
东松水务公司 | 6 tanks/1.95 | 10 Deep Wells/NRWASA |
Town of Farmville | 4 tanks/3.30 | 11 Deep Wells/GUC |
Town of Fountain | 1 tank | Town of Farmville |
格林维尔公用事业委员会 | 2 tanks/2.50 | 8 Deep Wells/Tar River |
Town of Grifton | 1 tank/.26 | 2 Deep Wells/NRWASA |
Town of Grimesland | 1 tank/.75 | 2 Deep Wells |
斯托克斯地区水务公司 | 1 tank | 2 Deep Wells/GUC |
Town of Winterville | 1 tank/.50 | 3 Deep Wells/GUC |
除了运营污水处理厂的社区, 该地区的河流和土壤也能够处理工业废水. The Tar and Neuse Rivers (Contentnea Creek) have sufficient flows to receive treated wastewater. Pitt County soils are typically fine sandy loams capable of accepting high volumes of treated water from spray irrigation land application systems. The area’s mild climate makes this type of wastewater discharge very cost-effective in many circumstances.
Contentnea都市污水收集区(CMSD):格里夫顿镇, Ayden, and Winterville jointly own and finance the operation of one regional wastewater treatment plant called Contentnea Metropolitan Sewerage Plant, 位于格里夫顿的Creekshore Drive. Plant capacity is 2.每天8500万加仑,可以扩展到3.6 mgd.
污水(下水道)处理系统 & 容量(百万加仑)
Community | Capacity | Type of System |
Ayden | 2.85 | CMSD -两级活性污泥 |
Bethel | | Served by GUC |
Farmville | 3.50 | 延长曝气的两级活性污泥 |
Fountain | | 由Town of Farmville提供 |
Greenville | 17.50 | 格林维尔公用事业委员会(GUC) -大专 |
Grifton | 2.85 | CMSD -两级活性污泥 |
Grimesland | | Served by GUC |
Winterville | 2.85 | CMSD -两级活性污泥 |
Piedmont Natural Gas -为Farmville提供天然气服务(800) 752-7504.